Which Diseases Can Raccoons Transmit to Humans and Pets

Which Diseases Can Raccoons Transmit to Humans and Pets?

Raccoons are familiar faces in many urban and suburban areas. Still, their cute appearance hides a less charming fact: they can be carriers of several diseases harmful to humans and pets. At Pestong Pest Control Toronto, staying informed about these potential risks is crucial to ensure your family’s and animal’s health and safety. In this article, we’ll delve into some of the most common diseases transmitted by raccoons, highlighting their symptoms and the best preventive measures. Join us as we help you navigate the challenges of living safely alongside wildlife.

Diseases Transmitted by Raccoons to Humans and Pets

Diseases Transmitted by Raccoons to Humans and Pets

Raccoons can transmit several diseases to humans and pets, some of which can be serious. Here’s a list of the most common ones:

  • Rabies: Raccoons are one of the most common species to carry rabies, a virus that affects the brain and is almost always fatal once symptoms appear. It can be transmitted through bites or scratches.
  • Leptospirosis: This bacterial disease can be spread through the urine of infected raccoons, contaminating water or soil. It can cause many symptoms in humans and animals, some of which may be severe.
  • Roundworm (Baylisascaris procyonis): Raccoons are the definitive host for this parasite. Humans, especially children, can become infected by ingesting eggs from contaminated soil, objects, or hands. This infection can lead to serious health problems, including organ damage and blindness.
  • Giardiasis: A protozoal infection that raccoons can carry, which spreads through their faeces. It can cause diarrheal disease in humans and pets.
  • Salmonella: Raccoons can carry Salmonella in their intestines and shed it in their faeces. It can infect humans and pets if they ingest contaminated water or food.
  • Raccoon Ringworm (Trichophyton and Microsporum): This fungal infection can be transmitted from raccoons to humans and pets through direct contact with the infected animal or its environment.

These diseases highlight the importance of maintaining a safe distance from wildlife and ensuring pets do not interact with wild animals. Proper hygiene, such as washing hands after contact with animals or their environments and keeping pet vaccinations up-to-date, are crucial preventive measures.

Our Service at Pestong Pest Control Toronto

At Pestong Pest Control Toronto, we are dedicated to helping you manage wildlife issues safely and effectively. Our team of experts is well-equipped to provide raccoon control services so that any raccoons or other pests around your property are removed without harm. We also offer advice and solutions to prevent future invasions, keeping your environment secure and healthy.


Raccoons are an integral part of our urban wildlife, and while they bring many benefits, it’s crucial not to underestimate their potential to transmit diseases. By staying informed and taking necessary precautions, you can minimise risks to yourself and your pets. Remember, if you encounter raccoons or face a wildlife issue, do not attempt to handle it yourself. Instead, contact us. We’re here to ensure your safety with effective and humane solutions.

About the Author: Shafqat Ali

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