Understanding Common Wildlife Pests - Identification and Behavior

Understanding Common Wildlife Pests: Identification and Behavior

Understanding wildlife pests is crucial for maintaining a safe and healthy environment. Wildlife pests like rodents, raccoons, and birds can cause significant property damage, spread diseases, and disrupt daily life. This article aims to help readers identify and understand the behaviour of common wildlife pests.

At Pestong, we offer comprehensive pest control services to manage and eliminate wildlife pests in Canada. Our experts are dedicated to providing safe, humane, and efficient solutions to protect your home and surroundings.

Identification and Behavior of Wildlife Pests




  • Physical characteristics of rats and mice: Small bodies, long tails, and sharp incisors.
  • Signs of infestation: Droppings, gnaw marks on furniture and wiring, and nests made from shredded materials.


  • Nesting habits and social structure: Rodents often live in colonies and build nests in hidden areas.
  • Feeding behavior and diet preferences: They are opportunistic feeders, consuming various food items, often scavenging from human food sources.




  • Distinctive physical features: Mask-like facial markings and bushy tails.
  • Common signs of presence: Tipped over trash cans and noises in the attic or crawl spaces.


  • Nocturnal activity and adaptability: Raccoons are active at night and highly adaptable to urban environments.
  • Foraging behaviour and diet: They forage for food in garbage bins and gardens, eating a diverse diet of fruits, insects, and small animals.




  • Physical description: Small size, bushy tail, and sharp claws.
  • Indicators of infestation: Chewed wiring and nesting materials in attics.


  • Diurnal activity and communication: Squirrels are active during the day and communicate through vocalizations and tail movements.
  • Food storage and nesting behaviour: They store food for winter and build nests in trees or attics.




  • Common species that cause problems: Pigeons, starlings, and sparrows.
  • Identification of nests and droppings: Nests in eaves or gutters and droppings on ledges or walkways.


  • Nesting and feeding behaviours: Birds build nests in sheltered areas and feed on seeds, insects, and human food scraps.
  • Seasonal migration and flocking: Many bird species migrate seasonally and form flocks for social interaction and protection.

Get Our Professional Pest Control Service for Wildlife Pests

While some minor infestations can be managed with DIY methods, severe or persistent issues often require professional assistance. Signs that you should call our wildlife pest control service include extensive property damage, health risks from droppings or bites, and large infestations that are difficult to manage independently. Pestong offers expert pest control services in Canada, providing effective and humane solutions.


Identifying and understanding wildlife pests is crucial for maintaining a safe and healthy environment. Homeowners can effectively manage and mitigate pest issues by applying preventive measures and recognizing early signs of infestation. If infestations become severe, seeking professional help ensures safe, humane, and efficient pest control. At Pestong, we are dedicated to helping you maintain a pest-free environment, protecting your home and the surrounding wildlife.

About the Author: Shafqat Ali

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