Mice Pest Control Service Toronto

Effective Mice Extermination Services Toronto

Mice infestations can quickly become a serious issue as these pests rapidly multiply, causing extensive damage to your property and posing health risks. Mice can contaminate food, spread diseases, and create unsanitary conditions. Their gnawing habits can lead to structural damage, potentially resulting in costly repairs.

At Pestong Pest Control, we are dedicated to providing the most effective and trustworthy methods to eliminate mice infestations. Our approach goes beyond quick fixes; we thoroughly investigate the problem to identify and address its root causes. Our highly trained experts use a combination of proven techniques tailored to your specific situation, ensuring comprehensive and lasting results.

Electric Damage mice cases

The Common Mouse Species

Mice are nocturnal creatures rarely spotted by homeowners since they are most active at night and dusk when most people sleep or work. The white-footed mouse, the field mouse, and the standard house mouse are the three types of mice found worldwide. So, let’s take a closer look at the most prevalent kinds of mice:

mice attracted to food at home

Deer (Field) Mouse

  • Habitat: Prefers forests but can be attracted to homes for food.
  • Impact: Can damage woodwork and pose health risks.
  • Size: 3.8 inches long with a 2.5-inch bicolored tail, weighing 0.72 ounces.
  • Appearance: Light gray to reddish-brown top with a white underbelly.
  • Signs of Infestation: Droppings, gnawed items, sightings, and nests.
Mice in house

House Mouse

  • Habitat: Active year-round, found in buildings, wall cavities, cardboard boxes, attics, barns, sheds, basements, crawlspaces, cupboards, and warehouses.
  • Size: 1 to 4 inches long for both body and tail, weighing 0.68 ounces.
  • Appearance: Large eyes and ears relative to body size.
  • Signs of Infestation: Droppings, chewed plastic or wood, sightings, and a distinct smoky odor.

White Footed Mouse

  • Habitat: Found throughout the US and Canada, prefers tree holes but can live in log piles, sheds, and indoors.
  • Size: 5.5 to 8 inches long with a 2.25 to 4-inch tail, weighing 0.79 ounces.
  • Appearance: Grayish to reddish-brown fur on top, white feet and belly.
  • Signs of Infestation: Droppings, scratch marks, nibbled food packaging or newspaper, and an unpleasant odor.

Mice Removal Service

If you’re feeling anxious about your inability to eliminate a mice infestation, Pestong Pest Control Toronto is the most qualified company to help. Our highly trained and experienced staff has the knowledge and skills necessary to address and resolve the problem comprehensively and effectively.

More than 35 diseases have been traced back to mice in Toronto ON Canada. Mice can trigger allergic reactions and spread food-borne diseases through their waste, increasing the risk of Salmonella. Deer mice can spread Hantavirus, which can cause severe kidney, blood, or lung problems.

The common house mouse spreads Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV), particularly dangerous in winter. White-footed mice are hosts for black-legged ticks, contributing to the global spread of Lyme disease. Given the health risks, it’s important to take mice eradication seriously.

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