How to Keep Your Home Save From Mice

How to Keep Your Home Save From Mice

Do you want to Win the Battle Against Mice in Your Home? Are you tired of uninvited mice making themselves at home in your space? We know how frustrating and harmful a mice infestation can be. That’s why we offer specialized mice control services in Toronto, designed to safely and effectively rid your home of these pesky intruders. Our approach is tailored to meet your home’s unique needs, ensuring a mice-free environment for you and your family.

Understanding the challenges that mice bring is the first step in controlling them. These small creatures can cause significant damage, from gnawing on wires and furniture to spreading diseases. Pestong’s experienced team uses proven techniques for mice control, ensuring your home is protected. We don’t just eliminate the problem; we also focus on prevention, keeping your home safe and secure for the long term.

Why Mice Are a Problem

Why Mice Are a Problem

Mice can pose significant problems in your home for several reasons:

  1. Disease Transmission: Mice are known carriers of numerous diseases, such as hantavirus, salmonella, and leptospirosis. These illnesses can be transmitted to humans through mouse feces, urine, or saliva. In areas with significant mouse infestations, the risk of disease transmission increases, posing a significant health risk to residents.
  2. Food Contamination: Mice often seek food in homes and can contaminate food sources. They chew through packaging, leaving droppings and urine in food items. This leads to food waste and poses a health risk if contaminated food is accidentally consumed.
  3. Property Damage: Mice have strong teeth that can gnaw through wood, plastic, and mild steel. This can lead to significant property damage, including chewed wires, which can create a fire hazard, damaged insulation, and structural harm to buildings.
  4. Breeding Rate: Mice reproduce rapidly, with a single female capable of giving birth to dozens of offspring yearly. This high breeding rate can quickly lead to a small infestation becoming a major problem, making control efforts more challenging.
  5. Allergies and Asthma: Mice dander, droppings, and urine can cause allergic reactions and exacerbate asthma symptoms, especially in sensitive individuals. Mice in a home can significantly impact indoor air quality and health.
  6. Noise and Odor: Mice are active mostly at night and can create disturbing noises in the walls and ceilings. They also produce a distinct, unpleasant odour from their urine, which can permeate a home, making living conditions uncomfortable.
  7. Agricultural Damage: Mice can destroy crops and contaminate feed in agricultural settings. They eat grains and seeds, leading to significant losses for farmers and contributing to food scarcity in severe cases.
  8. Psychological Impact: The presence of mice can cause anxiety and distress for many people. Fear of rodents, also known as musophobia, is common and can lead to significant psychological discomfort.
  9. Ecological Imbalance: In certain ecosystems, an overabundance of mice can disrupt the natural balance, impacting other species. They may outcompete native wildlife for food and habitat, leading to ecological changes.
  10. Cost of Control: The financial burden of controlling a mouse infestation can be significant. It often involves professional pest control services, repairs for damage caused, and preventive measures to stop future infestations.

Pestong Pest Control Services is equipped to help you tackle these challenges. With our professional and reliable pest control solutions, we focus on eliminating current infestations and preventing future occurrences. Using safe, eco-friendly techniques, we ensure your home or business is protected from the threats posed by various pests. Our experienced team is ready to address and solve your pest problems, ensuring a safer, healthier environment for you and your family​.

Signs of Mice Infestation

Signs of Mice Infestation

Identifying a mice infestation can prevent it from becoming a larger issue. Here are some common signs that may indicate the presence of mice in your home:

  1. Droppings: Mice droppings are a clear indicator of an infestation. These small, dark pellets are often found along walls, in cupboards, or under sinks. Frequent cleaning can help identify new droppings, indicating active mice presence.
  2. Gnaw Marks: Mice need to constantly gnaw to keep their teeth in check. You might notice gnaw marks on furniture, wires, food packaging, and even structural elements. These marks can vary in size and are often found near food sources or entry points.
  3. Nests: Mice build nests using shredded paper, fabric, or other fibrous materials. These nests are usually hidden in secluded, undisturbed areas like wall voids, attics, or behind appliances. Finding a nest is a strong sign of an infestation.
  4. Strange Noises: Scratching, scurrying, or squeaking sounds, especially at night, can indicate the presence of mice. These sounds are often heard coming from attics, basements, walls, and ceilings.
  5. Foul Odors: A distinctive, musty odor, particularly in enclosed areas, can be a sign of a mouse infestation. This odor is a result of mouse urine and is more noticeable in larger infestations.
  6. Tracks and Runways: Mice leave trails in dusty areas. You might notice footprints or tail marks in less-used areas of your home. Mice use the same paths repeatedly, leaving greasy marks along walls or baseboards.
  7. Grease Marks: As mice travel, they leave grease marks along walls and floorboards. These marks are caused by the dirt and oil in their fur and often appear as dark smudges or lines.
  8. Chewed Food Packaging: Mice will chew through cardboard, plastic, and other materials to access food. Finding packaging with holes or gnaw marks is a common sign of a mouse problem.
  9. Pet Behavior: Changes in your pet’s behaviour, such as barking, clawing at areas where mice might hide, or showing excitement in certain parts of the house, can indicate the presence of mice.
  10. Visual Sightings: Seeing a mouse, especially during the day, can be a sign of a large infestation. Mice are typically nocturnal, so daytime sightings might suggest the population is high enough to push some individuals out during less active hours.

If you notice any of these signs, taking action quickly is important to prevent the infestation from growing. Our pest control professionals can offer effective solutions for eliminating mice and preventing future infestations.

Our Mice Control Services in Toronto

Our Mice Control Services in Toronto

We use several effective methods to control mice, making sure your home stays safe and free from these pests. Here’s how we do it:

  1. Inspection: First, we carefully check your home to find out where the mice are coming from and where they’re living. This helps us choose the best way to get rid of them.
  2. Sealing Entry Points: We seal up the small holes and gaps that mice use to get into your home. This is a key step to stop more mice from coming in.
  3. Traps and Baits: We use traps and baits in a smart way. Our team knows the best places to put them to catch mice effectively.
  4. Safe Methods: Safety is important to us. We make sure our methods are safe for your family and pets. We use eco-friendly options that won’t harm the environment.
  5. Advice for Prevention: We also give you tips on how to keep mice away in the future. This includes things like keeping your house clean and storing food properly.

We understand how important it is to deal with mice problems quickly and safely. If you have mice in your home, you can trust us to solve the problem with care and expertise.


At Pestong, we are dedicated to providing the highest quality pest control services in Toronto. Our experienced team, effective methods, and commitment to customer satisfaction set us apart in the industry. We understand the challenges and discomforts brought about by pest infestations, and we are here to offer solutions that are effective, environmentally friendly, and safe for your home and family. 

Whether you are dealing with a current infestation or looking to prevent future problems, we are ready to assist you every step of the way. Trust us to keep your home safe and pest-free. Please contact us for more information about our services or to schedule a consultation. Your peace of mind is our top priority, and we look forward to serving you.

About the Author: admin

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